Mission and Values

We provide resources that conserve, protect, and enhance the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area.

The success of Friends of Sabino Canyon is measured by our ability to attract and grow financial resources from our donor base and the timely deployment of those resources toward USFS priority capital projects and programs. 

© Martin Horowitz
© Martin Horowitz

How We Started

About Friends – a Fund Raising Organization

In 1993, founding board members Jim Click and Mel Zuckerman recognized that the Forest Service could not meet the financial pressures created by the growing number of users without community support.

For over 30 years, Friends of Sabino Canyon has supported facilities enhancements, educational activities, trail maintenance, and invasive species management, as well as funded repairs from flood and fire damage. These, and numerous other projects have all been made possible through individual donations, corporate donations, fund raising events, and other activities and sponsorships to the Friends of Sabino Canyon.

Support for these activities is ongoing while the canyon is facing new challenges in the form of dramatic weather cycles, changes in creek flow patterns and the pressure of over 1 million visitors every year.

© Martin Horowitz
© Martin Horowitz