Visitors Center

Consistent with the 2015 U.S.Forest Service (USFS) Sustainable Recreation Plan to update the Visitor Center in the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area, Friends of Sabino Canyon has agreed to jointly fund a Visitor Center Master Plan with the USFS.

The estimated cost for the Master Planning process is $250,000 with Friends contributing $175,000. As envisioned, the updated facility will dramatically enhance the experience for of all the many visitors to our beloved Sabino Canyon. 

Please join us in this exciting effort to develop the most innovative, sustainable, and informative Visitor Center we can Re-Imagine- an updated facility that protects the cultural, historical, and ecological character of the Canyon.

If you are interested in donating stocks, please contact our Treasurer directly at [email protected]

Any funds we raise in excess of our need for this planning phase will be allocated to the construction phase.

Correspondence & Donation Address:

Friends of Sabino Canyon
5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road
Tucson, AZ 85750